

Sweets with fresh figs, delicious biscuits filled with a sweet autumn compote, a simple and delicious recipe to greet the arrival of September!

Since the temperatures are slightly lowering, we can find the courage to turn on the oven (don’t worry, half an hour will be enough)

For the shortcrust pastry
330 g flour type “0” Bio pastry core for shortcrust pastry and biscuits
100 g granulated sugar
60 ml sunflower oil
2 eggs
1 vanillin sachet
1 teaspoon of baking powder

For the fig filling
6-7 large figs
1 tablespoon granulated sugar
6 ladyfingers
Dry biscuits type Oro Saiwa

Prepare the dough by putting all the ingredients together in a bowl and forming a nice firm and homogeneous ball. There is no need for resting times, as oil was used instead of butter.
Peel and chop the figs and cook them in a non-stick pan with the sugar, until compote.
Pulverize the biscuits with the mixer and put them in the fig compote.
With a rolling pin, roll the pastry into a rectangular shape, roll out a long strip of fig mixture to form a cylinder, closing underneath, as is done with strudel.
Cut the sweets so that they measure about 5 cm, place them on the dripping pan, lined with cartaforno.
Bake the cookies at 180 degrees for 15 minutes in a preheated oven, until golden brown.
Remove from the oven, allow to cool, sprinkle with icing sugar (to taste) and serve.

An excellent variant is also the addition of sliced ​​almonds, both on the surface and inside the compote. Almonds, like figs, are also a typical fruit of the month of September.

Beneficial properties of the fig: this small late summer fruit contains a lot of water and precious minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sodium and iron. Additionally, fresh figs are rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, PP and C.

(Source: Il Giornale del Cibo)